About the Foundation
Management Philosophy
Safety Management Declaration

Ulsan Cultural Tourism Foundation

Occupational Health and Safety Management Policy Declaration

The Ulsan Cultural Tourism Foundation recognizes the safety and health of employees and citizens as the foundation's top priority and establishes an
occupational health and safety management system in compliance with global regulations and standardsto prevent major industrial accidents and major public accidents through the declaration as follows.

  • First.

    We set safety and health goals, and through a safety and health management system, establish and implement detailed action plans to
    protect the lives of employees and citizens and to create a safe and healthy working environment.

  • First.

    We systematically establish an occupational health and safety management system and continuously improve it by
    effectively eliminating and controlling hazards and risks in the workplace.

  • First.

    All employees and partners actively and voluntarily participate in safety and health activities to prevent accidents
    in advance by eliminating hazards and risks.

  • First.

    We coexist with the local community both domestically and internationally, establishing internal management standards to
    ensure compliance with safety and health-related laws and other requirements.

  • First.

    To realize transparent safety and health management, we provide regular training to all employees and
    disclose our safety and health policies to stakeholders to ensure the adherence to responsibilities and duties in safety and health activities.

May 22, 2024

Ulsan Cultural Tourism Foundation

CEO Choi Byeong-gwon

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